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Chrytatywna Choinka




Fundacja Azylu Koci Świat

My name is Emilly and I have been looking for almost 2 years. Not all cats are lucky to be born in a house, not all grow up while living with man. I was born in a barn and I spent the first months of my life there. People never treated me badly, they tossed something to eat sometimes, but in total they treated me like air, nobody stroked me, he didn't talk to me. It wasn't until I came to the cats for the procedure that I found out that the kitty was stroke and scratching the chin. I liked it and I don't want to go back to that barn, I would like to have a real house. Only I am still learning to live with a man. I serve the litter box, I'm polite and calm, I never thought for a moment to scratch a man, I didn't even get angry with cats. You only know, I am learning that the kitty strokes and hugs and my house must help me open up, teach me how to have fun, how to spend time together. I will gladly live with another kitty, but if you have time to play with me, I can also be the only kitty at home. I am afraid of young children and dogs.

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